Why to choose us to be your supplier?

We have what you need.
Car Spare Parts

Car Spare Parts

Baukat GmbH & Co. KG is “your reliable partner for all genuine spare parts from one source”. We are supplying all European and Japanese original spare parts with competitive pricing to our customers worldwide.

Automation & Industrial Parts

Automation & Industrial Parts

Baukat is your supply partner for any components in every area of industrial and engineering. Our industrial parts division features a wide range of products that surely can full fill your needs.

Lubricants & Fluids

Lubricants & Fluids

We supply the whole range of all renowned brands of engine oils and other lubricants such as ATF, coolants or brake fluids at competitive prices. Both from car makers as well as from the world leading oil manufacturers.

Authorized Distributor

We are proud to be Authorized distributor for well known parts as following

Get in Touch

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Tillystraße 8B
30459 Hannover

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Tel.       : +495113748931
Fax.      : +495113748930
Mobile : +491754979668
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